What kind of certificate is requested for companies of Japan

We are considering to make use of Kakao Talk for sending alerts and reports of production line to our customers.
While, your document for developers says “During the review, we will ask for the certificate that authenticates the overseas corporation.”.
Would you tell us what kind of certificate may authorize us, a Japanese company, for Biz app.


The message API provided by Kakao Developers is a feature designed for social interactions between users of your service. This means that only users connected to your developer app can send and receive messages.

As a result, many businesses use “Alim Talk” or “Consultation Talk” services to send notifications and reports to their customers. These services are provided through official dealer companies and require a business-certified KakaoTalk channel.

The process of business channel certification can be done through dealer companies.

official dealer


Thanks for your kindness!
I’ll try to contact the dealer.

Best Regards.