Webhook for receiving mesages?

Hi, is there an API to receive messages? I am building a chatbot hosted my own server, I’d like to be able to send and receive messages through Kakao’s API. I have seen the API has functions for sending messages but could not find anything for receiving messages.


Message API provided by Developers can only be sent.
Only API you can receive is BizMessage (상담톡).

It can be sent through KakaoTalk channel, and the system can be built through the dealer company.
Would you like to check the contents below?


Hi, thank you for the fast response!

I understand for the Developer API we can only send messages, and I have to call or email one of the companies like Biztalk or Infobank, because they partner with you and they can provide an API to receive messages, is that correct?

Something like that.
API is provided by Kakao, and the dealer company is an agency for system construction.

Ok, to be clear, the receive message API is provided by Kakao but we cannot get access to it without going through one of the agencies? Or can we work with Kakao more directly?

Because we have our chatbot already, we don’t need them to build it for us, we just need send/receive API access.

KakaoTalk is a personal message.
The message API provided by Kakao Developers has various restrictions according to the Korea Personal Information Protection Act.

Checklist to use the Messaging API and the Retrieving list of friends API

Therefore, informational messages and counseling messages(상담톡) should use channel messages provided by the Kakao business.

DevTalk provides information about Kakao developers, so we do not know the exception case of Kakao business.
Could you ask the customer center below if you can build BizMessage by yourself?

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