User Verification

Is it possible to do user verification of a developer account from outside Korea. We do not have resident registration number or a Korean phone connection. Any alternatives?


Anyone can signup it by e-mail from

Register an app | Kakao Developers Docs

If you want to switch to the Biz app, please refer to the information below.

How can I switch to a Biz app if I operate an overseas company?

we are getting an error while hitting the api to get authorization_code.

The authorization request is provided in the OAuth2 method.
Please test it in your browser.

we were trying to authenticate our developer account, which leads to a page that looks for resident registration number and Korean phone number(SKT or KT or LG U+). Is there a way to get authentication without a registration number and Korean phone number ? Kindly suggest.

You can use it without authenticating your phone number.
You can authenticate by email and use and
May I know why you want to verify your phone number?