저희는 Fever입니다. 저희는 한국 시장을 가지고 있지만 IT 부서는 스페인에 있습니다. 저희 캠페인의 데이터를 원합니다. 저희는 앱을 만들었고, 자체 앱에 자동 로그인하여 자체 데이터를 제공하는 방식으로 진행하고 있습니다. 그러나 캠페인 데이터를 얻을 수 없습니다. 왜냐하면 저희 앱의 요청(request)에서 해당 데이터를 보유하고 있지 않기 때문입니다. 계정이 개인으로 검증되지 않으면 요청할 수 없습니다. 하지만 저희는 그곳의 개인이 아니라 여기의 회사입니다.
I would like to understand the campaign data you are referring to. Therefore, could you please provide a more detailed explanation?
What type of data are you seeking to obtain during the process of your service?
We want to extract the Data from Kakao Moment. The data from our Kakao company account, which we also have access. But the problem is that we can’t get the authorization in our application in [My Application] > [Request for App Permissions], to get the info from Kakao Moment via API calls, because we are not Korean residents.
Can you help us with this?
Thank you!
Could you please provide the App ID?
App ID: This is the numeric ID found under My Applications > App Settings > Summary Information on https://developers.kakao.com/. It’s the ID located in the Basic Information section.
For example: 123456
Yes! The APP Id is 1073387
App 1073387 is confirmed to have Korean business information associated with it. If you did not enter random business numbers, I kindly request the Korean individual who provided the business information to request Moment API access.
To facilitate this, it will be necessary to include the user who provided the business information as a team member of the app.
Thank you! We have access now!
I have another question. Is there a way to keep the same refresh_token for more than 1 or 2 months?
Refresh tokens are valid for two months, and they can be renewed when there is one month remaining. Unfortunately, due to current security policies, it’s not possible to extend the expiration time of refresh tokens.
And is there a way to retrieve the refresh_token if it is active? Because if I call while we are in the first month I don´t retrieve it. But if there is a way of always retrieving the active refresh_token I can automate it.
Refresh tokens are issued together with access tokens upon token issuance. We do not currently provide a feature to retrieve tokens that have already been issued. You must obtain them at the time of access token issuance.