Swiftui에서 poi생성이 안되는 문제

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스위프트UI로 개발중이며 화면에 poi를 표시하는데 어려움을 겪고 있습니다
레이어에 포이를 추가한 후 이를 show 해도 poi가 지도에 보이지 않습니다.
아래 코드를 첨부합니다

// ContentView.swift
// KakaoMapOpenApi-Sample
// Created by chase on 2020/05/19.
// Copyright © 2020 kakao. All rights reserved.

import SwiftUI
import KakaoMapsSDK

struct KakaoMapView: UIViewRepresentable {
@Binding var draw: Bool
@ObservedObject var locationManager : LocationManager

func makeUIView(context: Self.Context) -> KMViewContainer {
    //need to correct view size
    let view: KMViewContainer = KMViewContainer(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: UIScreen.main.bounds.width, height: UIScreen.main.bounds.height))
    return view

/// Updates the presented `UIView` (and coordinator) to the latest
/// configuration.
func updateUIView(_ uiView: KMViewContainer, context: Self.Context) {
    if draw {
        DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.5) {
    else {

func makeCoordinator() -> KakaoMapCoordinator {
    return KakaoMapCoordinator(locationManager: locationManager)

/// Cleans up the presented `UIView` (and coordinator) in
/// anticipation of their removal.
static func dismantleUIView(_ uiView: KMViewContainer, coordinator: KakaoMapCoordinator) {

class KakaoMapCoordinator: NSObject, MapControllerDelegate {
    var locationManager : LocationManager
    var controller: KMController?
    var first: Bool
    var auth: Bool

// override init() {
// first = true
// auth = false
// super.init()
// }
func createLabelLayer(){
let view = controller?.getView(“mapview”) as! KakaoMap
let manager = view.getLabelManager()
let layerOption = LabelLayerOptions(layerID: “PoiLayer”, competitionType: .none, competitionUnit: .symbolFirst, orderType: .rank, zOrder: 10001)
let _ = manager.addLabelLayer(option: layerOption)
func createPoiStyle(){
let view = controller?.getView(“mapview”) as! KakaoMap
let manager = view.getLabelManager()

        //let noti1 = PoiBadge(badgeID: "badge1", image: UIImage(named: "MarkerSelected.png"), offset: CGPoint(x: 0.9, y: 0.1), zOrder: 0)
      //  let iconStyle1 = PoiIconStyle(symbol: UIImage(named: "MarkerSelected.png"), anchorPoint: CGPoint(x: 0.0, y: 0.5), badges: [noti1])
     //   let noti2 = PoiBadge(badgeID: "badge2", image: UIImage(named: "MarkerUnselected.png"), offset: CGPoint(x: 0.9, y: 0.1), zOrder: 0)
     //   let iconStyle2 = PoiIconStyle(symbol: UIImage(named: "MarkerUnselected.png"), anchorPoint: CGPoint(x: 0.0, y: 0.5), badges: [noti2])

// let iconStyle1 = PoiIconStyle(symbol: UIImage(named: “MarkerSelected.png”), anchorPoint: CGPoint(x: 0.0, y: 0.5))
// let iconStyle2 = PoiIconStyle(symbol: UIImage(named: “MarkerUnselected.png”), anchorPoint: CGPoint(x: 0.0, y: 0.5))
let icon1 = PoiIconStyle(symbol: UIImage(named: “MarkerUnselected.png”), anchorPoint: CGPoint(x: 0.0, y: 0.5))
let perLevelStyle1 = PerLevelPoiStyle(iconStyle: icon1, level: 0)
let poiStyle1 = PoiStyle(styleID: “nonAdded”, styles: [perLevelStyle1])

        let icon2 = PoiIconStyle(symbol: UIImage(named: "MarkerUnselected.png"), anchorPoint: CGPoint(x: 0.0, y: 0.5))
        let perLevelStyle2 = PerLevelPoiStyle(iconStyle: icon2, level: 0)
        let poiStyle2 = PoiStyle(styleID: "Added", styles: [perLevelStyle2])

// let poiStyle = PoiStyle(styleID: “perLavelStyle”, styles: [
// PerLevelPoiStyle(iconStyle: iconStyle1, level: 5),
// PerLevelPoiStyle(iconStyle: iconStyle2, level: 11)]
// )

       // manager.addPoiStyle(poiStyle)
    func createPois(){
        let view = controller?.getView("mapview") as! KakaoMap
        let manager = view .getLabelManager()
        let layer = manager.getLabelLayer(layerID: "PoiLayer")
        layer?.visible = true
        let poiOption1 = PoiOptions(styleID: "PerLevelStyle1")
        poiOption1.rank = 0
        poiOption1.clickable = true
        let poiOption2 = PoiOptions(styleID: "PerLevelStyle2")
        poiOption2.rank = 0
        poiOption2.clickable = true
        let poi1 = layer?.addPoi(option:poiOption1, at: MapPoint(longitude: locationManager.lon ?? 126.978365,
                                                                latitude: locationManager.lat ?? 37.566691))
                // Poi 개별 Badge추가. 즉, 아래에서 생성된 Poi는 Style에 빌트인되어있는 badge와, Poi가 개별적으로 가지고 있는 Badge를 갖게 된다.
        let poi2 = layer?.addPoi(option:poiOption2, at: MapPoint(longitude: 126.039000, latitude:  37.109020))
        let pois = layer?.addPois(option: poiOption1, at: mapPoints)

// let badge = PoiBadge(badgeID: “noti1”, image: UIImage(named: “MarkerUnselected.png”), offset: CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0), zOrder: 1)
// poi1?.addBadge(badge)
print(“poi1 is showed? → (poi1!.isShow as Any)”)
print(poi1?.itemID as Any)
poi1?.showBadge(badgeID: “noti1”)
// let badge2 = PoiBadge(badgeID: “noti2”, image: UIImage(named: “MarkerUnselected.png”), offset: CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0), zOrder: 2)
// poi2?.addBadge(badge2)
print(“poi2 is showed? → (poi2!.isShow as Any)”)
print(poi2?.itemID as Any)

        poi2?.showBadge(badgeID: "noti2")
        if let pois = pois {
            for poi in pois {

    init(locationManager: LocationManager) {
                self.locationManager = locationManager
                first = true
                auth = false

    func createController(_ view: KMViewContainer) {
        controller = KMController(viewContainer: view)
        controller?.delegate = self
    func addViews() {

// var simplePoi : SimplePOI = SimplePOI(co)
// print(“여기다 여기 여기를 봐라 \n\n\n\n (locationManager.lon) // (locationManager.lat)\n\n\n”)

        let defaultPosition: MapPoint = MapPoint(longitude: locationManager.lon ?? 127.1, latitude: locationManager.lat ?? 37.2)
        let mapviewInfo: MapviewInfo = MapviewInfo(viewName: "mapview", viewInfoName: "map", defaultPosition: defaultPosition)
        if controller?.addView(mapviewInfo) == Result.OK {
            let _ = controller?.getView("mapview") as! KakaoMap


    func containerDidResized(_ size: CGSize) {
        let mapView: KakaoMap? = controller?.getView("mapview") as? KakaoMap
        mapView?.viewRect = CGRect(origin: CGPoint(x: 0.0, y: 0.0), size: size)
        if first {
   //         print("여기다 여기 여기를 봐라 여기 카메라 업데이트가 있다\n\n\n\n \(locationManager.lon) // \(locationManager.lat)\n\n\n")

            let cameraUpdate: CameraUpdate = CameraUpdate.make(target: MapPoint(longitude: locationManager.lon ?? 126.978365, 
                                                                                latitude: locationManager.lat ?? 37.566691),
                                                                                zoomLevel: 12, mapView: mapView!)
            first = false

    func authenticationSucceeded() {
        auth = true


아래는 해당 코드의 콘솔입니다.

[<KakaoMapsSDK.MapPoint: 0x6000002a64e0>, <KakaoMapsSDK.MapPoint: 0x6000002a6660>, <KakaoMapsSDK.MapPoint: 0x6000002a6680>, <KakaoMapsSDK.MapPoint: 0x6000002a66a0>]

poi1 is showed? → false


poi2 is showed? → false






보여주신 코드 상에서 addPoi를 하기 위한 PoiOptions 에 스타일ID로 PerLevelStyle의 ID를 지정하시고 있는데 PoiStyle(여기에서는 “Added”) 의 ID를 지정하셔야 합니다.

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