Setup and invoke webhook url


I am very new to Kakaotalk. I want to setup a webhook on kakaotalk settings and redirect all incoming/outgoing messages to the webhook.

Can someone please tell me how and where I can setup this webhook? Also do I need to have a Korean number to do this? What are the other pre-requisites?

Thank you.


Unfortunately, it does not provide the ability to redirect user chat messages to a web hook.

Hi, thanks for the prompt response.

Then could you please suggest a way with which I can be notified of incoming messages from kakaotalk?

Kakao Talk is a message between individuals.
We don’t even provide that function for privacy.

What kind of service do you operate?
And for what purpose are you going to use it?
If you let me know, I’ll look for other alternatives.

We are looking to integrate Kakaotalk with Amazon Connect. We wish to transfer incoming messages from Kakatalk to Amazon Connect.

Unfortunately, there is no suitable service.
Conversations on Kakao Talk cannot be used to distribute to AI and ML.

In Kakao Talk, the Kakao Talk channel is in charge of customer counseling.
You can use management functions such as 1:1 consultation with chatbots only on the channel.

You can also make a business proposal to Kakao if necessary.


Thanks for the response.
Can you please elaborate - what is the use of callback and redirect URL in Kakao then?

This is for social login of Oauth2.0 Kakao account, which has nothing to do with Kakao Talk messenger.

Kakao Login REST API | Kakao Developers REST API
Unlink Callback Callback | Kakao Developers Callback

There is also a successful sharing notification callback, but it is different of kakaotalk webhooks.

Kakao Talk sharing success callback

Thanks again.

One more question, while trying the development tool. I am unable to reissue the access token to test apis. It keeps giving me a network error - why is this so?

Tell me your app ID.
(My Application>App Settings>Summary > ID)


An error occurs when the IP between the authorization(/oauth/authorize) request and the polling(/apiweb/code.json) response is changed.

It’s logic to prevent the hijacking of the authorization code. Please confirm that it will be processed on the same IP.

Noted. Thank you.

Can you please explain how on a Kakaotalk channel I can enable two way chat?

I have created a new channel, but when I open the chat window I don’t see any space to type a message to send message to the chat. (please refer screenshot -

However when I checked other channels - they have this option. (please refer screenshot -