Send Kakao Talk Notifications to Phone Number

I am working on web app and I need to send Kakao talk Notifications to users. I have phone numbers of users.

  • I need to Identify if the user has Kakao Talk or not
  • If the user has Kakao Talk then I need to send Message as Notification to User.

I have created Plus Friend and I wanted to use REST API and I wanted to send notification through this Plus Friend

Please help me how to achive this?


Available: You can request through Kakao Talk Profile API (/v1/talk/profile).

However, you can not send Kakaotalk messages to users because we’ve not yet supported message sending APIs even though you have user’s phone numbers.

I guess you are talking about this API

GET /v1/api/talk/profile HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {access_token} 

But how can I get access_token since, user are not logging in to Kakao

And are you saying we can’t send notifications messages to Plus Frinend Users using API?


User has to get access token after login via auth server.

No, you can not. :sweat: