We are gearing up to use the BizMessageAPI in the future.
We would like to ask you about the nighttime transmission limits.
It was mentioned in the document that there is a transmission restriction between 20:00~8:00.
If our destination is a Japanese user and not a Korean user, is this restricted?
The message composing screen stated the following.
한국 사용자는 20:00부터 08:00까지는 메시지 수신이 불가하여 익일 오전 08:00 이후에 메시지를 받게 됩니다.
해외 사용자에게는 시간 제한 없이 보내지니 참고해 주세요.
If I’m using BizMessageAPI to send to Japanese users, can I also send between 20:00~8:00?
We need your help.
Thank you.