REST API Access token Method

문의 시, 사용하시는 개발환경과 디벨로퍼스 앱ID를 알려주세요.

What are the methods are avilable to get the Access token for calling the Kakao Moment API (Register Friend group) ?

It works just like a typical Oauth2 social login.

(1) Get authorization code

(2) Get tokens

Is there any long live access token in Kakao ?

is the kakao login and redirect URI requires to get the Access token ?

Unfortunately, there is no long live access token, but it can be renewed as a refresh token

(3) Refresh tokens

Right, need kakaologin and redirect URI

We are preparing a system token, but the opening schedule has not been decided yet. I’ll notify you when it’s ready.
Currently, it should be used in the above Oauth2 method.