Request for Guidance on Audience Synchronization and Targeting in Kakao Ads

Request for Guidance on Audience Synchronization and Targeting in Kakao Ads

Dear Kakao Ads Support Team,

We are in the process of integrating our audience data with Kakao Ads for targeted advertising and suppression. To achieve this, we intend to use a custom application (Node.js) to automate the process. Alternatively, we may manually upload CSV lists via the Kakao Ads portal.

Could you please provide detailed steps for the following scenarios:

1. Using a Custom Application (Node.js) for Audience Sync:

  • API Requirements:
    • Details on the necessary API endpoints for audience creation and management.
    • Authentication and authorization mechanisms.
    • Required fields and format for audience data (e.g., ADID).
  • Data Submission:
    • Process for registering the customer file via API.
    • Instructions for uploading a CSV file to the Kakao server.
    • Any size limitations or file format specifications.
  • Automated Sync:
    • Steps to register a URL where Kakao can periodically retrieve the audience CSV file.
    • Frequency and conditions for automatic updates.
    • Example code snippets or SDK recommendations, if available.

2. Manual Upload via Kakao Ads Portal:

  • Accessing the Portal:
    • Instructions to navigate to the [Customer File Management] section under the [Target Management] menu.
  • CSV File Preparation:
    • Template or format for the CSV file containing ADIDs.
    • Data validation requirements.
  • Upload Procedure:
    • Step-by-step guide to manually upload the CSV file.
    • How to register a customer file URL for ongoing updates.
    • Any troubleshooting tips or common errors to avoid.

General Inquiries:

  • Documentation:
    • Links to relevant API documentation, user guides, or support articles.
  • Support:
    • Contact information for technical support or API assistance.

We aim to ensure that our integration is seamless and follows best practices. Your guidance on the above points will be highly appreciated.

Thank you for your support and assistance. We look forward to your response.

Dear legrandbosco,

Those links above contains details related to 1.Using a Custom Application (Node.js) for Audience Sync:.
Please check the documentations, and if you need any further information please let us know.

This link above contains details about 2. Manual Upload via Kakao Ads Portal:,
unfortunately we do not support English version right now.
So please kindly use translator to check the guidance.

If you have problems setting APIs, you can always contact us via 카카오모먼트 API - 카카오 데브톡.