Regarding callback while moving back from kakaotalk

Below is the case where I cannot get callback from kakaotalk. I am using UserApi.shared.loginWithKakaoTalk api from KakaoSdkUser.

  1. KakaoTalk app gets opened but user is not loggedin in kakaotalk. So, kakaotalk will get opened with login page to enter email / phonenumber.
  2. Now, user just pressed back from login page without login on kakaotalk.

We don’t get any callback inside UserApi.shared.loginWithKakaoTalk.

Can you help us quickly on this. We are stucked on this how to fix it.


Tell me your app ID.
(My Application>App Settings>Summary > ID)

hi, my appid is 1099869


The attached image seems to be a Kakao account login page, not a Kakao Talk app.
Is the Kakao Talk app installed and logged in on the mobile device you tested?

hi, attached image is from kakaotalk app only but this comes when you aren’t loggedin ( say installed the app just now). That’s why you see title saying Welcome to KakaoTalk.

Yes kakaotalk app is installed but as i mentioned it’s not loggedin.

If so, it is normal behavior. loginWithKakaoTalk is only processed normally when you are logged in to the KakaoTalk app.

But how do I manage the back button which i mentioned originally ( see screenshot)?
We wait for kakaotalk callback and in this case when user press back, we don’t receive any callback.

So in this case kakao sdk should provide information of whether user is loggedin in kakaotalk app or not before hand. If not, then I won’t proceed for kakaotalk login.

Of course, I don’t get a callback because I’m not logged in to Kakao Talk.
It is common for users who try to log in to Kakao on mobile devices with KakaoTalk apps to log in to the KakaoTalk app and then try again.

I mean i understood your point. But problem is my app waits for callback to do other stuffs after we trigger UserApi.shared.loginWithKakaoTalk function. In this case, app just don’t know what to do if user press back.

Actually, this function should also provide callback in all cases (even back button) or either way this function shouldn’t be used in cases where it cannot provide callbacks and for those cases we should have precheck functions available.

Okay, I asked the SDK representative for an example to check

I’ll give you feedback soon.

Unfortunately, we don’t offer a callback for this case.
Please take measures to allow users to log in to the KakaoTalk app and try again. (Retry by user cancellation)

Sorry to ask this again, but how to get the information that we need to retry, bcz there is nothing we receive that user cancelled in this case.

Users who are not logged in to KakaoTalk are edge cases.
This meant that the user would have to go back to the app and cancel the callback wait himself and the user would have to try again.