문의 시 사용하시는 SDK 버전 정보를 알려주세요.
에서 명시하는 바와 같이 설정 후 빌드를 했는데
Caused by: org.gradle.internal.resource.transport.http.HttpErrorStatusCodeException: Could not GET ‘https://devrepo.kakao.com/nexus/content/groups/public/com/kakao/sdk/v2-user/2.9.0/v2-user-2.9.0.pom’. Received status code 403 from server: Request blocked by Privoxy
위와 같이 에러가 뜹니다. 해결방법 문의드립니다.
참고로 setting.gradle 설정 부분입니다.
http, https 전부 동일한 오류가 발생 하신다면, 현재 gradle이 오프라인 모드로 동작 중 이신거나 내부 방화벽 문제일 것으로 보입니다.
두번째 첨부 이미지에 Disable Gradle ‘offline mode’ and sync project 메시지를 확인한번 해보시겠어요?
gradle 이 오프라인 모드로 동작은 아닌것 같습니다… 오프라인 모드로 실행 시 아래와 같이 에러가 뜨는 것으로 확인했습니다.
내부 방화벽이라면 어떤부분을 확인해봐야 할까요…?
build 는 되는데 warning이 있어서 Run이 되지 않습니다.
build.gradle과 setting.gradle 파일을 공유해 주실 수 있을까요?
쪽지로 보내셔도 됩니다
혹시 몰라서 에러 전문 올립니다… 다시올려드립니다.
FAILURE: Build completed with 7 failures.
1: Task failed with an exception.
- What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ‘:app:checkDebugAarMetadata’.
Could not resolve all files for configuration ‘:app:debugRuntimeClasspath’.
Could not resolve com.kakao.sdk:v2-user:2.9.0.
Required by:
project :app
Could not resolve com.kakao.sdk:v2-user:2.9.0.
Could not get resource ‘https://devrepo.kakao.com/nexus/content/groups/public/com/kakao/sdk/v2-user/2.9.0/v2-user-2.9.0.pom’.
Could not GET ‘https://devrepo.kakao.com/nexus/content/groups/public/com/kakao/sdk/v2-user/2.9.0/v2-user-2.9.0.pom’. Received status code 403 from server: Request blocked by Privoxy
- Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.
2: Task failed with an exception.
- What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ‘:app:mergeDebugResources’.
Could not resolve all files for configuration ‘:app:debugRuntimeClasspath’.
Could not resolve com.kakao.sdk:v2-user:2.9.0.
Required by:
project :app
Could not resolve com.kakao.sdk:v2-user:2.9.0.
Could not get resource ‘https://devrepo.kakao.com/nexus/content/groups/public/com/kakao/sdk/v2-user/2.9.0/v2-user-2.9.0.pom’.
Could not GET ‘https://devrepo.kakao.com/nexus/content/groups/public/com/kakao/sdk/v2-user/2.9.0/v2-user-2.9.0.pom’. Received status code 403 from server: Request blocked by Privoxy
- Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.
3: Task failed with an exception.
- What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ‘:app:processDebugMainManifest’.
Could not resolve all files for configuration ‘:app:debugRuntimeClasspath’.
Could not resolve com.kakao.sdk:v2-user:2.9.0.
Required by:
project :app
Could not resolve com.kakao.sdk:v2-user:2.9.0.
Could not get resource ‘https://devrepo.kakao.com/nexus/content/groups/public/com/kakao/sdk/v2-user/2.9.0/v2-user-2.9.0.pom’.
Could not GET ‘https://devrepo.kakao.com/nexus/content/groups/public/com/kakao/sdk/v2-user/2.9.0/v2-user-2.9.0.pom’. Received status code 403 from server: Request blocked by Privoxy
- Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.
4: Task failed with an exception.
- What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ‘:app:mergeDebugAssets’.
Could not resolve all files for configuration ‘:app:debugRuntimeClasspath’.
Could not resolve com.kakao.sdk:v2-user:2.9.0.
Required by:
project :app
Could not resolve com.kakao.sdk:v2-user:2.9.0.
Could not get resource ‘https://devrepo.kakao.com/nexus/content/groups/public/com/kakao/sdk/v2-user/2.9.0/v2-user-2.9.0.pom’.
Could not GET ‘https://devrepo.kakao.com/nexus/content/groups/public/com/kakao/sdk/v2-user/2.9.0/v2-user-2.9.0.pom’. Received status code 403 from server: Request blocked by Privoxy
- Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.
5: Task failed with an exception.
- What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ‘:app:checkDebugDuplicateClasses’.
Could not resolve all files for configuration ‘:app:debugRuntimeClasspath’.
Could not resolve com.kakao.sdk:v2-user:2.9.0.
Required by:
project :app
Could not resolve com.kakao.sdk:v2-user:2.9.0.
Could not get resource ‘https://devrepo.kakao.com/nexus/content/groups/public/com/kakao/sdk/v2-user/2.9.0/v2-user-2.9.0.pom’.
Could not GET ‘https://devrepo.kakao.com/nexus/content/groups/public/com/kakao/sdk/v2-user/2.9.0/v2-user-2.9.0.pom’. Received status code 403 from server: Request blocked by Privoxy
- Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.
6: Task failed with an exception.
- What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ‘:app:desugarDebugFileDependencies’.
Could not resolve all files for configuration ‘:app:debugRuntimeClasspath’.
Could not resolve com.kakao.sdk:v2-user:2.9.0.
Required by:
project :app
Could not resolve com.kakao.sdk:v2-user:2.9.0.
Could not get resource ‘https://devrepo.kakao.com/nexus/content/groups/public/com/kakao/sdk/v2-user/2.9.0/v2-user-2.9.0.pom’.
Could not GET ‘https://devrepo.kakao.com/nexus/content/groups/public/com/kakao/sdk/v2-user/2.9.0/v2-user-2.9.0.pom’. Received status code 403 from server: Request blocked by Privoxy
- Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.
7: Task failed with an exception.
- What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ‘:app:mergeDebugNativeLibs’.
Could not resolve all files for configuration ‘:app:debugRuntimeClasspath’.
Could not resolve com.kakao.sdk:v2-user:2.9.0.
Required by:
project :app
Could not resolve com.kakao.sdk:v2-user:2.9.0.
Could not get resource ‘https://devrepo.kakao.com/nexus/content/groups/public/com/kakao/sdk/v2-user/2.9.0/v2-user-2.9.0.pom’.
Could not GET ‘https://devrepo.kakao.com/nexus/content/groups/public/com/kakao/sdk/v2-user/2.9.0/v2-user-2.9.0.pom’. Received status code 403 from server: Request blocked by Privoxy
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.
Get more help at https://help.gradle.org