Kakao App registration for a business


I am trying to register an application in Kakao pointing to my business home page. In the set up, I have recieved the rest api keys and I am able to connect with Kakao for login with Kakao button. However I am stuck on the business app registration settings. It says only a biz app owner can register. I have juat a web page for my business which I would like to register. When I click on this, it asks for a company registration number. how do I get this companu registration number for my business ?

And what is the mode to submit the required proofs to by pass this step ?

Kind Regards

If you simply need to implement Kakao Login on you website, you don’t have to register your app as a business app.
When did you see the message?
Usually, company registration is required when you want to use advanced features, e.g. Kakaotalk Channel API, Kakaosync and else.
You can contact our customer center to register your business information.
You should submit the following information:

  • A document of valid business license for your service
  • Your Kakao account ID (email address)
  • Your app name and ID
  • Names of APIs and functions you need