Inquire about Kakao Moment variable usage

문의 시, 사용하시는 개발환경과 디벨로퍼스 앱ID를 알려주세요.

APP_ID ID 1012381

While using the Kakao Moment variables, there’s a caution part in variable section, Ad creation: Personalized message creative | Kakao Developers Ad creation: Personalized message creative

I am wondering if there’s more detail guide for using kakao variables?
For example, is there any content validation on URL strings?

Also, for data types of variable, is there more specific descriptions on “String”, “Number”?
Is the number a signed 16bit integer? and the length of the number is the digits that can be shown?

Best regards,

Hello. I am the Kakao Moment API operator.

I am wondering if there’s more detail guide for using kakao variables?
For example, is there any content validation on URL strings?

→ The type and maximum number of characters are checked, and the URL is checked by regular expression matching.
Ad creation: Personalized message creative | Kakao Developers Ad creation: Personalized message creative

Also, for data types of variable, is there more specific descriptions on “String”, “Number”?
Is the number a signed 16bit integer? and the length of the number is the digits that can be shown?

→ ex> priceAmount (String)
(Minumum: 0, Maximum: 99999999, integers only)
However, when using a variable, up to 100 characters are allowed.
The convert result must meet the guideline.

→ If the currency information is Korean Won (KRW) or Yen (¥), only integers (0 to 99999999) of 8 digits or less can be entered
→ If the currency information is Dollar ($) or Euro (€), you can enter an integer of 8 digits or less or a number (0 to 99999999.99) including an integer of 8 digits or less and up to 2 decimal places.