I would like to apply friendlist api

*Business name- Cell Korea Co., Ltd.

*Company Registration Number- 242-81-00146

*developer account (email)-sellkorea@kakao.com

*app name of OWNER- sellkorea

*Tell me why/how to use the API in the app- i am using salesforce application, i want to communicate with friend on kakao talk
*To check the service with the message transmission API directly, please tell us the’order from the time you log in to the service’.
-[Who logs in and how]-i will login through my salesforce org, there are created one page which connect to kakao throgh api
-[How do I check my friends list?]-first i get authoezation code then access token and then friendlist
-[How do I send messages?] ones i got friendlist i will save uuid in my salesforce org and then communicate with my friend

*Please attach the’Actual Motion Screen Video or Capture’ applied to the service after the test has been completed.- i attached the screen shot in which i am showing all response and sending message to friend

{“Successful_receiver_uuids”:[“OwoyCj0IPws-DiIRJR0lFyEZKBE9CT8POAExZw”]}official application

Is the app you requested before for testing?


integration1 is my first project it done previous.

i want permission now for sellkorea,


Please capture KakaoTalk number 5 on the checklist below.

check list

  1. [ok] app icon, app name
  2. [ok] biz app
  3. [ok] Developer Test
  4. [ok] owner email
  5. [check] Actual motion screen image or capture (Kakao Talk capture)

client and team member

is this ok

Please give me the capture image that sent the message to “sellkorea” app.
After I get the capture, I need to check the call LOG to approve it.

testing messages

it is fine now ?

Okay, it’s applied.
Good job. Thank you.

thank you so much.

hear is limitation we can not send more than 200 characters in text message. how can i overcome this ?

I think it would be better to explain in detail on the landing page.

i am using this string template to send message

-d ‘template_object={
“object_type”: “text”,
“text”: “This is a Text area that displays up to 200 characters.”,
“link”: {
“web_url”: “https://developers.kakao.com”,
“mobile_web_url”: “https://developers.kakao.com
“button_title”: “Check it out”

but i can send only 200 character text message , some time i have more than 200 character in text message to send.
so i want to ask how can i send text message which have more than 200 character.

Unfortunately, we do not provide a way to send messages with more than 200 characters.

thank you so much for providing support

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