I want to use friend list but in testing i am getting error

i configure to fetch my team member uuid but getting wrong response

for get access token

i am hitting this api with access token

i added team member and fetching uuid from his account. getting error like this



Please check two things below about friends who can’t be viewed through API.

  1. Have you logged in to your site at least once?
  2. Did the friend agree to “friends” authority?

Tell me the email of a friend who is not on the list.

my team member and me we both get same response this

this is my team member email email id- quyennguyen140490@gmail.com

and this is my email id - sellkorea@kakao.com

hello , are you there?

Tell me your app ID.
(My Application>App Settings>Summary > ID)

App ID - 460790

App name- sellkorea
Business name- sellkorea

Please check that "sellkorea@kakao.com" and "quyennguyen140490@gmail.com" are Kakao Talk friends.


client and team member

Can you check again with "sellkorea@kakao.com" to see if you are a Kakao Talk friend?

I checked and found out that they are not friends on Kakao Talk.
Please check it.

yes added that and i git the accurate response

thank you so much

*Business name- (주)셀코리아

*Company Registration Number- 242-81-00146

*developer account (email)-sellkorea@kakao.com

*app name of OWNER- sellkorea

*Tell me why/how to use the API in the app- i am using salesforce application,i want to communicate with friend on kakao talk
*To check the service with the message transmission API directly, please tell us the’order from the time you log in to the service’.
-[Who logs in and how]-i will login through my salesforce org, there are created one page which connect to kakao throgh api
-[How do I check my friends list?]-first i get authoezation code then access token and then friendlist
-[How do I send messages?] ones i got friendlist i will save uuid in my salesforce org and then communicate with my friend

*Please attach the ‘Actual Motion Screen Video or Capture’ applied to the service after the test has been completed.- i attached the screen shot in which i am showing all response and sending message to friend

{“successful_receiver_uuids”:[“OwoyCj0IPws-DiIRJR0lFyEZKBE9CT8POAExZw”]}official application