How to Open Our App from a Kakao Talk Message Without Declaring a Custom URL Scheme?

Currently, our application integrates with Kakao Message to send messages via Kakao Talk. We want to implement a feature where a few specific messages will open our application instead of the in-app browser of Kakao Talk.

According to the documentation at Kakao Talk Sharing: iOS | Kakao Developers Kakao Talk Sharing: iOS, it requires setting up the scheme in the app and sending parameters to open the Android and iOS applications. However, due to some specific business requirements, we do not want to declare the scheme as instructed. For example, clicking on the link (Icon app and app name - Kakao Style) at the end of the message will open the web instead of the app. I have tried it, and if the scheme is declared, it will prioritize opening the application, so I need to remove the scheme.
Screenshot 2024-05-30 at 3.31.25 PM

Is there any other way to open our app when clicking on a message without custom URL scheme?
For example:
Click on a URL in a Kakao Talk message → Go to the in-app browser of Kakao → Open our app?

Thank you


Could you please provide the App ID?

App ID: This is the numeric ID found under My Applications > App Settings > Summary Information on It’s the ID located in the Basic Information section.

For example: 123456

1개의 좋아요

Here is our App Id
App ID in Dev env: 713513
App ID in Stg env: 955330
App ID in Prod env: 532025

The section labeled “Kakao Style” in the attached image is unfortunately beyond control as it functions as a source link area. The links within that area operate according to predefined rules.

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@woody.ho Thank you for explain. For that reason, I had to remove the scheme in my application so that part always opens in a webview.

So do we have any solution for case click button on a message open app without custom URL scheme?

Screenshot 2024-05-30 at 3.31.25 PM
For example in image above:
Click on a Purchase button in a Kakao Talk message → Go to the in-app browser of Kakao → Open our app?

Can you help me answer my question? Thank you

(1) Recommended use of custom URL schemes

  • As shown above, the bottom is the service source area.

(2) Run the app without using a custom URL scheme
You can use Dynamic Link or Branch Deep Link.

1개의 좋아요

Thank you, for my case Run the app without using a custom URL scheme: I will try with solution use Dynamic Link.

If have any issue, I will update here

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Please be informed that Dynamic Links is scheduled to be discontinued in 2025. We recommend using alternative services such as Branch.

Dynamic Links Deprecation

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