How to get documents excess of pageable_count?

I am using a url for searching places by category. An example response is given below :

"meta": {
    "is_end": true,
    "pageable_count": 45,
    "same_name": null,
    "total_count": 5925

I found that even after increasing page number, retrieved documents is always within 45, what is the way of getting all those available documents gradually (i.e - total_count: 5925)?

pageable_count cannot exceed 45 and the page parameter allows a value from 1 to 45.
The max number of places you can get will be size(15) * pageable_count(45).

For example , this is the url I am using :레스토랑&page=3, I am getting 15 items per page. Here is the meta response for the url :

"meta": {
    "is_end": true,
    "pageable_count": 45,
    "same_name": null,
    "total_count": 5928

See, at the page number 3, is_end is true here though total_count is 5928. So I am getting items for page 1,2 and 3 only. At page 3, is_end becomes true, and I am not getting any more items. Even I increase the page number , I am getting the items same as page 3.

1개의 좋아요

pageable_count means how many documents are available.
total_count is not the actual amount of the result but the number of raw data,
including unavailable or duplicated documents…
So, the maximum value of pageable_count is 45 and the default value of size is 15. Then the total of the pages is 3 and is_end will be returned as true when you request a result page greater than 3.

In short, you can get the desired place’s data less than the value of pageable_count(max 45). :cry:
I am sorry that it might be hard to understand. We will improve our documents.

2개의 좋아요

I thought total_count is the actual amount of desired result. Now got it. Thank you anyway.

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