How to add the "더보기" button in Carousel Commerce and Carousel Feed via API?

Dear Kakao support,

I would like to inquire if there is a proper way to enable the “더보기” button in Carousel Commerce/Carousel Feed creatives via API? I do not see related usage described in the API document

After some trial-and-errors, I managed to find a way: there are two undocumented fields, mobileLandingUrl and pcLandingUrl, under the MessageElement structure. I would like to know if we are allowed to use these undocumented fields?
Thank you :pray:


Dear Sans,

Sorry for the miss information.
You can enable the “더보기” button by adding

“mobileLandingUrl”: “{}”,
“landingType”: “LANDING_URL”

as MessageElement fields.

You are also allowed to use pcLandingUrl, as an optional filed.
(Please keep in mind that mobileLandingUrl, landingType is required if you want to add pcLandingUrl.)

We will update the document as soon as possible.

If you have any further questions, please let us know.

1개의 좋아요


Thank you very much for the quick response.
I will follow the instructions.

However, according to my experiments, the landingType of MessageElement seems to be Optional with the default value LANDING_URL.
It is minor, but please kindly confirm with your team.

Again, thank you for supporting!


1개의 좋아요