How can i share a message with Kakao link?

I want to share a message with kakao link, but i don’t want to show a button. the default button (“자세히 보기”). How can i do that?

I use iOS kakao SDK method:

defaultLink(templateObject:) using json

            Row(title:"defaultLink(templateObject:) using json", action: {

                let link = Link(webUrl: URL(string:""),
                                mobileWebUrl: URL(string:""))
                let content = Content(title: "content-test",
                                        imageUrl: URL(string:"")!,
                                        imageWidth: 80,
                                        imageHeight: 80,
                                        description: "descrition-test",
                                        link: link)
                let feedTemplate = FeedTemplate(content: content)

                //메시지 템플릿 encode
                if let feedTemplateJsonData = (try? SdkJSONEncoder.custom.encode(feedTemplate)) {


Unfortunately, the button cannot be removed.

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