안드로이드 4.0으로 업데이트 하면서 Gradle도 업데이트 되니 경고(Warning) 문구가 떠서 알려드립니다. 소스 주소를 https 로도 준비하셔야 할 것 같네요.
Welcome to Gradle 6.1.1!
Here are the highlights of this release:
- Reusable dependency cache
- Configurable compilation order between Groovy/Kotlin/Java/Scala
- New sample projects in Gradle's documentation
For more details see https://docs.gradle.org/6.1.1/release-notes.html
Using insecure protocols with repositories has been deprecated. This is scheduled to be removed in Gradle 7.0. Switch Maven repository 'maven(http://devrepo.kakao.com:8088/nexus/content/groups/public/)' to a secure protocol (like HTTPS) or allow insecure protocols, see https://docs.gradle.org/6.1.1/dsl/org.gradle.api.artifacts.repositories.UrlArtifactRepository.html#org.gradle.api.artifacts.repositories.UrlArtifactRepository:allowInsecureProtocol.