Errors you may encounter when calling the Messaging API and the Friends APIs

This guide is intended to help you resolve the errors that you encounter while using one of the following APIs:

1. If you pass the wrong parameters

{"msg":"Constraints on the parameter [receiver_uuids] are unsatisfied. The input receiver id(s) is invalid format.","code":-2}

{"msg":"Constraints on the parameter [receiver_uuids] are unsatisfied. Not allowed to send a message to some of receivers.","code":-2}

{"msg":"The Parameter [receiver_uuids] cannot be null.","code":-2}

{"msg":"The Parameter [receiver_uuids] cannot be empty.","code":-2}

If you pass invalid receiver_uuids, the errors above occur. You must use the uuid(s) retrieved through the Friends APIs. Also, you cannot use the uuid(s) obtained from other apps registered in Kakao Developers.

2. If you have not enabled a scope or a user has not consented to the scope.

{"msg":"[YOUR_APP_NAME] App disabled [friends] scopes for [FRIENDS] API on Enable it first.","code":-3}

{"msg":"[YOUR_APP_NAME] App disabled [talk_message] scopes for [TALK_MESSAGE_SEND] API on Enable it first.","code":-3}

You must enable the scope required for the following APIs in [My Application] > [Kakao Login] > [Consent Items].

API Required consent item (Scope ID)
Kakao Talk messaging API Send message in KakaoTalk (talk_message)
Retrieving list of friends API Friends List in Kakao Service (friends)*
Retrieving friends through picker API Friends List in Kakao Service (friends)*

*Before your app obtains permission for the Friends APIs, you can only select the ‘Consent during use’ option for the ‘Friends List in Kakao Service’ scope. Thus, if the error above occurs when you call an API using a REST API, you need to call the Requesting additional consent API to obtain consent to the scope.

In addition, users also must consent to the required scope. If a user has not consented to the scope required to call an API even though you enabled the scope, the following errors occur:

// User consent to `friends` is required but the user only consents to `profile`.

{"msg":"insufficient scopes.","code":-402,"api_type":"FRIENDS","required_scopes":["friends"],"allowed_scopes":["profile"]}

// User consent to `talk_message` is required but the user only consents to `profile` and `friends`.

{"msg":"insufficient scopes.","code":-402,"api_type":"TALK_MESSAGE_SEND","required_scopes":["talk_message"],"allowed_scopes":["profile","friends"]}

// A user has not consented to any scope.

{'msg': 'this user does not have any scope.', 'code': -402}

If a user has already linked to your app but has not consented to a specific scope, you can obtain consent by calling the Requesting additional consent API.

3. If you call these APIs without any team member registered

{"msg":"permission denied to call the review api. invite to team member, first.","code":-5}

Before getting permission, you can only retrieve or send a message to the accounts registered as team members. Register a team member by adding an account in [My Application] > [Team Management].