Trying to call the rest api for getting verfication code

Okay thanks for the information .
Can you please send the link for Kakaotalk In-App browser?

Please complete this URL with your app info.

Hi Team,

I have a query when i try to disconnect the app link from kakao account then disconnection notification is not coming in my controller. I configured the call back url in the Myapplication-kakaologin-diconnect.
But when i try to disconnect from kakao it will not come in call back url.
Please let me know the reason and please find the screenshot of call back url as well.


And i am trying to disconnect from here:

Please provide the solution.


Could you tell us app’s name? We want to see the server log to find out reasons.

And please make sure that you used Kakao Account web page to unlink user, not using unlink API.

Please find the app name: 입생로랑 뷰티 공식 온라인몰

and yes i am diconnection through my account only from disconnect button.

We found 3 logs of calling unlink API from the account page on 8th May. And we checked that you also registered an url for callback. Can you check your server’s logs notifying user’s unlink from Kakao? We request to remove the user’s information from the service server like this.

curl -v -X GET {YOUR DOMAIN and URL}?user_id=1234&referrer_type=UNLINK_FROM_APPS
-H “Authorization: KakaoAK kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk”

FYI: The spec is, getting a request for the notification when the user requested unlink to Kakao without unlink API, eg. on the account management page. Therefore, we don’t send any request when the service provider calls unlink API because the service already knows the user will leave. So we asked whether you used that page or called the API.

I tried again but didn’t receive any logs
can you please check

We don’t validate the callback url, so it can fail to get our request.
Please check that your server is ready to get our request.
We send a request to your server, and your server should handle it.

How i can check that there i only one option that i can configure my call back url which i already configured. Is there any other way to check? Please confirm.

You can send a request same format to your callback url by yourself. Please check your server can receive that request successfully.

I tried by postman and sending the request and it is coming to my call back url.
I am using this url in postman-

1개의 좋아요

Perfect. Thank you for the information.
I checked your app setting again and found an issue out that only the test app has unlink callback setting and your unlink request was logged on the real app. So you couldn’t get any request from us! The test app and the real app are separated. When the user request unlink on the test app, then the real app can not receive unlink callback.
Please set the same value to the real app(입생로랑 뷰티 공식 온라인몰). Currently only the test app has the value.

Okay. Thanks for the information

1개의 좋아요

I am not seeing the disconnect button on my account now.
Please find the screenshot:

Because you have registered a correct unlink callback url.
We provide 2 buttons - Disconnect and Delete All Data - when the app has no unlink callback url.
Disconnect button means only disconnecting the user and the app without removing user’s data on service server.
Delete All Data means disconnecting including removing user’s data on service server - it’s possible because the service server will be known the user want to leave the service by an unlink callback request from Kakao and the service will remove user’s data after getting the request. So it’s named as “Delete All Data”.

So, now you can unlink the app with “Delete All Data” button.
And do something on your service server when you get an unlink callback from Kakao. Delete the user on database and so on…

Now i tried by using delete all data from my kakao account but not getting any call from kakao to my call back url.
Can you please check and confirm.

I can’t find logs out from Kakao Account page. I think we’ve missed something.
Could you tell us detail information of your “Delete All Data” test? The request time and app ID are required to search logs.