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I can’t opne my app. How to solve the problem

Did you try toggling that user management button? The error message clearly says you should enable user management in order to use login functionality.

I toggled this button, but it not effect. It still OFF

Please tell us your web browser information(broswer name, version and so on), we’ll try to check it out.

google chrome 61.0.3163.100

I use also the same web browser too, Are you seeing the same screen(not working a switch) on other browsers such as Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer … ?

I change Safari and the button can be ON. Tks!

hi! another question. I have two apps, and the id of one kakao user in two apps is different. How can I make the id to unique or connect these id by using a api.
for example :
one api is /v1/api/talk/profile, I user my kakao account to ask this api by two app, and the return id is different.

Basically, we provide unique app user ids, but the app user ids cannot connect or map each other apps using our API. I think you might be able to connect email addresses (via /v1/user/me) as a workaround.

That’s a pity. For our backend, We need a unique id to sign a user. Email is not a good way, because someone may be no email. Like facebook, It gives a businees_id to make a user unique with different app. So do you have some way like facebook?