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[FAQ] 지도/로컬 API 문의 전 꼭 읽어 주세요.

앱id: 1169166
Android app 개발 하려는 데요.
로컬 api
카카오맵 api 사용 승인 신청 드립니다

로컬 api는 rest 방식이며
지도맵은 sdk 활용 예정 입니다

1개의 좋아요

@nari4169 Understand the process for requesting API permissions for Kakao Maps and Local APIs.

First, let me break down the requirements for your Android app Sample ID (ID: 1169166):

  1. You’re planning to use:
    • Kakao Local API (REST method)
    • Kakao Maps API (SDK implementation)

For the approval process, you’ll need to:

  1. Register your application on the Kakao Developers Console:

    • Make sure your Android package name is correctly registered
    • Configure the necessary platform settings
  2. For the Local (REST) API:

    • Enable the Local API in your application settings
    • Get your REST API key
    • Set appropriate usage quotas
  3. For the Maps SDK:

    • Add the Maps SDK to your project dependencies
    • Configure your manifest with the required permissions
    • Add your app key to your AndroidManifest.xml

Please note that you should:

  • Ensure your account has proper verification
  • Provide clear intended usage descriptions
  • Stay within the API usage limits
  • Follow Kakao’s terms of service and guidelines

Do you need specific guidance on any of these steps? Or would you like information about API usage limits and quotas?


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