We’re currently getting a permission error when we try to get a list of campaigns or a list of ad groups. However, we are able to successfully able to view the report for ad accounts.
For example, when we try to make a request to the following URL:
We get the following error message:
"msg": "KakaoMomentException",
"code": -813,
"extras": {
"message": "권한이 없습니다."
Could this be related to the fact that we need to set consent items, as mentioned here? If so, do you know which permission I need to enable? I’d like to avoid adding to much permission if possible and I’d like the app to only have the bare minimum permissions necessary to query the report endpoint to be able to query the above-mentioned endpoint.
Or is there anything else that is causing this issue?
If we make a request to the below URL then we get data back by back
Thanks for your help!
Best regards,