KakaoTalk integration in ecommerce site

I want to integrate kakaotalk in a mobile ecommerce site for sharing the product page through the kakaotalk app.
Using the Javascript SDK, i need to know if is mandatory to create an account / app key for doing this or if there is another way to share contents without an account / app key.
Thanks very much in advance.

@nello_msn_sa If you will use Kakao APIs, app key and developer account will be required because of enabling SDKs and setting up application’s properties.

But a normal user which would like to share a certain page/content don’t need a Kakao account if you use KakaoTalk link API. It will be enough that the user has KakaoTalk app in his phone.

If you need english page, please see the following topic.


Hello Michael,

thanks to reply, I’m looking for getting more information about “KakaoTalk link API” and how it is suggested by it,
the documentation uses API kakao.min.js library.
Especially, in the following example is requested the app key:

// Set JavaScript Key of current app.
Kakao.init(‘YOUR APP KEY’);

This piece of code is used to initialize Kakao Object and create Link.createTalkLinkButton.

So this means that we have to create an accout on developers web site.

For this reason, my question is:

Could I use that library without using the App Key?

Thanks in advance.

@nello_msn_sa Right. You should use the library with using the app key and you have to create an account on developers web site. This requirement is the minimum restriction for detecting spam apps and leading 3rd app’s use in the right direction if some troubles will be occurred.