I want to use friend api

*Business name- CL_Test Corporation|

*Company Registration Number- 123-12-12345|

*developer account (email)-shrikanttelangi08@gmail.com

*app name of OWNER- Integration1

*Tell me why/how to use the API in the app- i am using salesforce crm application, to manage customer information some time i want send some messages while managing there data so i want my kakao user uuid number to send message them.
i set up message page in my salesforce org, which will user request for authorization code then access token, then friendlist api ones i got friendlist i will get uuid of my friends and user then i can able to send message them.
*To check the service with the message transmission API directly, please tell us the’order from the time you log in to the service’.
-[Who logs in and how]-i will login through my salesforce org, there are created one page which connect=t to kakao throgh api
-[How do I check my friends list?]-first i get authoezation code then access token and then friendlist
-[How do I send messages?] ones i got friendlist i will save uuid in my salesforce org and then using sending message api to friend and this uuid i will send message

*Please attach the’Actual Motion Screen Video or Capture’ applied to the service after the test has been completed.- i attched the video in which i am showing all response and sending message to friend


please allowed me to use friend api

thank youcode access tokenafter sending responsefriend responseCapture