I keep getting 링크(URL) 불러오기를 실패했습니다. when I try to use the kakao story share...please help

I am trying to use a kakao story share button to my website. When I use my website’s url, I get this message “링크(URL) 불러오기를 실패했습니다”. However, when I change the url param to another site…the share button works perfectly. For example…when I changed the url to “naver.com” or to “developers.kakao.com” both will work and display correctly in the popup window.

The share popup window with this url works correctly on my site…
// Set JavaScript Key of current app.
Kakao.init(“MY ID”);
function shareStory() {
url: “https://www.naver.com/”,

The share popup window with this url works correctly on my site…
// Set JavaScript Key of current app.
Kakao.init(“MY ID”);
function shareStory() {
url: “https://developers.kakao.com/”,

The share popup window with my site’s url shows this message 링크(URL) 불러오기를 실패했습니다
// Set JavaScript Key of current app.
Kakao.init(“MY ID”);
function shareStory() {
url: “https://mywebsiteaddress.com/”,

The content of the Kakao Story Sharing is brought along by the OG protocol, and if the OG protocol is not set correctly on the web page you want to share, the page load may not work.
Please make sure that the OG protocol is set up correctly and parsed.

Hi…and thanks for the response. All of my meta tags for open graph are in place. My page scrapes correctly for Facebook…it just would not for Kakao. After talking to my web host, I figured out it was an issue with how my file directory was setup on my vps. To fix the problem, I had to create an additional folder in the root directory and then point the kakao share button to that url (ex https://mywebsite/kakaotalk/) Once I did that…everything started working.

Again…thank for getting back to me on this.

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