How to remove the domain restrictions for app keys

We have created App for the map and using Javascript API key but it is restricted to domains.So ,how to remove domain restrictions.
Below is the error message:
“errorType”: “AccessDeniedError”,
“message”: “domain mismatched! caller=. check out registered web domains.”

  1. Log-in here
  2. In the upper right corner, you can see your name > ‘내 어플리케이션’ and click.
  3. choose the created app > in the bottom 앱정보 > “설정” click.
  4. 플랫폼 > “+플랫폼 추가” click
  5. choose “웹” (=web)
  6. add to the domains. (like the below)

Thanks but we still see same error.
same error,
{{{ “errorType”: “AccessDeniedError”, “message”: “domain mismatched! caller=. check out registered web domains.” }}}

For example in Google, for example, allows open access in development environments with a dev api so developers can work locally; this one seems to be restricted or limited to just this; where should we check for a dev api or a way to open access to this api.

You need to start a local web server when you are in your dev. environment either.

yes, that is exactly what we are doing; the error is because the API will not display in that environment because it is restricted.How to remove restrictions?

I mean you cannot remove the restrictions.
We do not allow you to call Maps API without a web server.