[API doc] inquiry about the description of priceAmount and discountedPriceAmount

Dear Kakao support,

I was creating a CAROUSEL_COMMERCE_MESSAGE creative via the REST API. The official document indicates that only integer string can be entered.

After some trial and errors, and tests on the Kakao Moment UI, I found that we can actually use decimal strings with up to 2 decimal places when the priceCurrencyCode is EUR or USD

Please kindly let me know if allowing decimal places for EUR and USD is part of the official spec or not, thanks in advance!

Sans Jung

Dear Sans,

We do support decimal strings with up to 2 places when the currency code is either EUR or USD.
It seems like API document is not updated. We will update the document as soon as possible.

Sorry for making you to check twice because of our unupdated document.
You can always use decimal strings with EUR or USD.